11250 Waples Mill Road * Fairfax, VA 22030

Phone: 1-800-392-8683 * Fax: 703-267-3918

Vol. 2, No. 37 8/18/95




Just a couple of years after the U.S. Government sought the death

penalty for Randy Weaver, on August 15, the U.S. Department of Justice

agreed to pay Weaver and his family $3.1 million for the government's

actions in the 1992 Ruby Ridge raid. Under the settlement, Weaver's

three children will each receive $1 million, and Weaver himself will

be compensated $100,000. Despite this financial settlement, the

government still will not admit any wrongdoing or legal liability in

the 1992 standoff that led to the death of Weaver's wife and son. The

settlement is just the latest twist in the three-year saga. Last

week, four senior FBI officials were suspended due to their

involvement in the Idaho raid itself, and/or their actions in the

subsequent government investigation into the case. An August 15

Washington Post article used words such as "coverup" and destruction

of evidence in its discussion of the events now surrounding the

Justice Department's handling of the Weaver case.


As the Senate's September 6 hearings into the Ruby Ridge siege

rapidly approach, it appears that the plot continues to thicken. Thus

far, American taxpayers have footed the seven figure cost of the

botched 1992 raid, and they must now fork over an additional $3.1

million to compensate Weaver's family for an act which the government

continues to maintain it was not responsible. Currently the U.S.

Attorney's Office is contemplating launching a full-scale criminal

investigation into perjury, obstruction of justice and other

allegations. These latest developments are consistent with a pattern

of abuse and poor judgement not by the rank and file agents, but by

many of the top leaders of our nation's federal law enforcement

community. The Justice Department's financial settlement without

prosecution is a sign that leadership is still dodging responsibility.

We'll keep you posted.


BYE-BYE BRADLEY: On August 17, vehemently anti-gun Senator Bill

Bradley (D-N.J.) made it official -- he will not seek re- election in

1996. Bradley becomes the seventh sitting U.S. Senator to call it

quits next year, joining fellow Senators Exon (D-Neb.), Heflin

(D-Ala.), Johnston (D-La.), Pryor (D-Ark.), Simon (D-Ill.), and Brown

(R-Col.). During his tenure in the U.S. Senate, Bradley lent his name

to many anti-gun bills, including pending legislation that calls for

ammunition bans and licensing and registration schemes. During recent

media interviews where he discussed his decision to retire, Bradley

has been somewhat coy about his future political plans, arousing

speculation that he may make an independent run for President in 1996.

Always interesting -- stay tuned!



state elections in Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Jersey and

Virginia are right around the corner! Don't miss this opportunity to

play a key role in the political process -- REGISTER TO VOTE -- AND

THEN VOTE! Unless you're registered to vote by early October, you

will not be eligible to vote in the 1995 elections. Also, if you

haven't voted in recent elections, you may no longer be registered.

To find out how you can register to vote in your state, call NRA-ILA

at 1-800-392-8683.



filling up fast, there are still seats available for NRA-ILA's free

Grassroots/Elections Seminar scheduled for August 26 in Lexington,

Kentucky. NRA-ILA Volunteers won't want to miss this opportunity to

meet Lt. Governor and Gubernatorial candidate Paul Patton (D) and

State Rep. Bob Damron (D), sponsor of the right to carry bill. For

more information, or to register, please call the NRA-ILA Grassroots

Division at 1-800-392-8683.


REFUSE TO BE A VICTIM: On Friday, August 25, from 2:00 - 5:00

p.m., NRA will conduct a special "Refuse To Be A Victim" seminar at

our headquarters building in Fairfax, Va. This innovative program

provides women with options to develop their own personal safety

strategies, and covers topics such as home, phone and automobile

security. The cost of the seminar is $20. For more information, or

to pre-register for the seminar, please call 1-800-861-1166.


NRA'S NEW EDUCATION LOAN PROGRAM: NRA is pleased to announce its

Education and Loan Program. Offered exclusively to current NRA

members, this new benefit provides financing of up to $25,000 annually

for undergraduate, graduate and professional students. You or any

member of your family is eligible to borrow from $1,500 to $25,000

each year up to $100,000. All it takes to pre-qualify for an NRA

Education Loan is a 15-minute phone call! Your application will be

processed in only 48 hours, and you pay no application fee. Loans can

be repaid over 15 years or you may prepay early without any penalty.

For more information, call 800-659-6771 ext. 630.





This information is provided as a service of the National Rifle

Association Institute for Legislative Action, Fairfax, VA.


This and other information on the Second Amendment and the NRA is

available at any of the following URL's: http://WWW.NRA.Org,

gopher://GOPHER.NRA.Org, wais://WAIS.NRA.Org, ftp://FTP.NRA.Org,

mailto:LISTPROC@NRA.Org (Send the word help as the body of a



Information may also be obtained by connecting directly to the

NRA-ILA GUN-TALK Bulletin Board System at (703) 934-2121.