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January - May 1985


U.S. Secret Service ("USSS") investigates allegations from neighbors of

Randy Weaver that Weaver threatened to kill President Reagan, Idaho Governor

John Evans and other unspecified law enforcement officials. USSS learns

through interviews that Weaver associates with members of the Aryan

Nations.USSS interviews Weaver who denies affiliation with Aryan Nations and

denies making threats against President Reagan and Governor Evans. No

charges are filed against Weaver as result of alleges threats.On February

28, 1985, Weaver and his wife, Vicki Weaver, file affidavit with Boundary

County Idaho clerk claiming that false allegations made to USSS were part of

a plot designed to provoke federal authorities into storming their home.

Weaver writes he "may have to defend myself and my family from physical

attack on my life."In May 1985, Weaver sends letter to President Reagan

apologizing for false allegations made by his neighbors against him. July,

1986 - July 1989 BATF informant Kenneth Fadeley introduced to Weaver at

World Aryan Congress, Hayden lake, Idaho. Fadeley meets Weaver again in

January 1987 and at July 1987 and July 1989 Aryan World Congresses. At July

1989 Congress, Weaver invites Fadeley to his house to discuss forming group

to fight against "Zionist Organized Government" (ZOG). October 11, 1989 BATF

informant Fadeley meets with Weaver at restaurant in Sandpoint, Idaho at

which time Weaver says he could supply sawed-off shotguns. October 24, 1989

Weaver sells two sawed-off shotguns to BATF informant Fadeley in a park in

sandpoint, Idaho. Fadeley breaks contact with Weaver following November 30,

1989 meeting, when Weaver accuses Fadeley of being a "cop".


May 21, 1990


BATF Agent Herbert Byerly submits case report to U.S. Attorney's Office,

Boise, Idaho, recommending that Weaver be prosecuted for the sale of

sawed-off shotguns.June 12, 1990 BATF agents Byerly and Steve Gunderson

approach Weaver in Sandpoint, Idaho, and attempt to enlist him as an

informant regarding illegal activities of Aryan Nations members. Weaver says

he won't be a "snitch."December 13, 1990 A federal grand jury in the

District of Idaho indicts Weaver for manufacturing and possessing

unregistered firearms in violation of 26 USC 5861(d), (f).January 17, 1991

BATF agents, posing as stranded motorists, arrest Weaver on weapons charge.

Weaver tells the arresting agents, "nice trick; you'll never do that

again."January 18, 1991 Weaver arraigned before U.S. Magistrate Judge

Stephen M. Ayers in Couer d'Alene, Idaho. Judge Ayers appoints Everett

Hofmeister as counsel for Weaver, releases Weaver on a $10,000 Personal

Recognizance Bond and directs Weaver to appear at U.S. District Court for

trial on February 19, 1991. January 22, 1991 Weaver calls Karl Richins

pursuant to the terms of his condition of release. February 5, 1991 U.S.

District Court Clerk in Boise, Idaho, sends a notice to the parties that the

trial date has been changed to February 20, 1991. February 7, 1991 The U.S.

Attorney's office in Boise, Idaho receives two letters from Vicki Weaver

dated January 22, 1991 and February 3, 1991 and addressed to "the Queen of

Babylon." Because the letters appeared to contain veiled threats they are

provided to the Boise office of the (cut off....)


February 7, 1991


U.S. Probation Officer Karl Richins sends Randy Weaver a letter requesting

Weaver to contact him and then erroneously refers to the trial date as March

20, 1991 rather than the correct date of February 20, 1991. February 20,

1991 Weaver does not appear for trial on either February 19 or February 20

and Chief U.S. District Court Judge Harold Ryan issues a bench warrant for

Weaver.March 5, 1991 Deputy U.S. Marshals Hunt and Mays initiate contacts

with Bill and Judy Grider, who are friends of the Weavers. The Griders give

the marshals a letter signed by the Weaver family saying "we will not obey

your lawless government."March 14, 1991 A federal grand jury in the District

of Idaho indicts Weaver for failure to appear.March 18, 1991 Chief Deputy

U.S. Marshal Ron Evans, District of Idaho, provides Marshals Service

Headquarters with analysis of Weaver situation and requests assistance from

the Marshals Service's Special Operations Group ("SOG"). March 28, 1991

Evans briefs SOG personnel at SOG Tactical Center in Camp Beauregard,

Louisiana on developments in the Weaver case. The decision is made to send

SOG team to Idaho to gather information to develop plan to arrest Weaver.

June 17-24, 1991 SOG reconnaissance team travels to Northeastern Idaho and

conducts assessment of the Weaver case. The team develops a plan for the

safe arrest of Weaver on his property and away from his wife and children.

Plan describes Weaver as "extremely dangerous and suicidal."


July 9, 1991


Deputy Marshal Cluff and Weaver's appointed counsel, Everett Hofmeister,

meet with Rodney Willey and ask Willey to try and convince Weaver to

surrender. Willey reports the following day that Weaver said he won't

surrender because his "rights will be violated."September 28, 1991 SOG team

dispatched to Northern Idaho to assist in the planned arrest of Weaver.

However, plan to arrest Weaver is canceled because team finds that

information on which plan was based was not accurate.October 9, 1991 Senior

Deputy Marshal Hunt and Chief Deputy Marshal Evans ask Alan Jeppeson, a

friend of the Weavers, to convey an offer of negotiations to Weaver. The

marshals formulate formal surrender terms.October 12, 1991 Hunt and Evans

propose offering formal surrender terms to Weaver and request authorization

from the U.S. Attorney's Office.October 17, 1991 Assistant U.S. Attorney

Ronald Howen sends letter to Hunt and Evans directing that all contact with

Weaver must be through Weavers' appointed counsel, Everett Hoffmeister. In

addition, Howen does not authorize further negotiations with Weaver as

proposed by the Marshals Service.March 4, 1992 Deputy Marshal Cluff and

Chief Deputy Marshal Evans drive up to Weaver property in an unmarked

vehicle. They are met by Randy Weaver, who is armed with a rifle. Weaver

tells Cluff and Evans that they are trespassing and the marshals leave

without incident.


March 27, 1992


Acting Marshals Service Director Henry Hudson was briefed on developments in

the Weaver case. Hudson asks U.S. Attorney Maurice Ellsworth to consider

dismissing warrant and reissuing it under seal. Ellsworth rejects the

proposal. Hudson directs that any plan to arrest Weaver must eliminate

possibility of harm to Vicki Weaver and the Weaver children.Marshals Service

Enforcement Division Branch Chief Arthur Roderick is given primary

responsibility for devising a suitable plan to arrest Weaver. Three phase

operation plan is developed.April 2-12, 1992 During Phase I of their

operation plan, the marshals conduct surveillance of the Weaver property and

determine technical requirements for additional surveillance. April 13, 1992

Acting Director Hudson approves operation plan for Phase II, during which

surveillance cameras would be utilized to gather information about Weavers'

daily actions so that options could be developed for Phase III, the actual

arrest of Weaver.


April 17 through 1st week of May, 1992


Marshals install surveillance cameras on ridges overlooking Weaver property

and make three fact-finding trips onto the Weaver property.


April 18, 1992


Marshals Service are informed that the television crew from Geraldo Rivera's

program "Now It Can Be Told" may have been shot at while flying over the

Weaver property in a helicopter.May 5, 1992 Marshals Service surveillance

camera stolen from the north ridge overlooking the Weaver property.


May 27, 1992


Undercover plan developed by Marshals Service after Acting Director Hudson

rejects plans to forcibly arrest Weaver using either "lethal" or

"non-lethal" weapons. Undercover operation contemplates Marshal Service

surreptitiously buying a plot of land north of the Weaver property and that

two deputy marshals, posing as husband and wife, would visit and develop the

property, and that eventually an opportunity would arise to arrest Weaver

out of the presence of other family members. Plan put on hold pending

Hudson's confirmation as Director by U.S. Senate.


Early August, 1992


Hudson gives verbal approval to the undercover plan after being confirmed as

Marshals Service Director.


August 17, 1992


Deputy Marshals Degan, Cooper, Roderick Norris, Thomas and Hunt arrive in

Northern Idaho to update intelligence for undercover plan.


August 20, 1992


Deputy Marshals Roderick, Cooper, Degan, and Hunt, along with local marshal

and deputy sheriffs use firing range west of Spokane, Washington to test

their weapons as required by internal Marshals Service practice.


Friday, August 21, 1992.


At 2:30 a.m., Marshals Service team of Roderick, Cooper, Degan, Hunt, Norris

and Thomas leave condominium at Schweitzer Mountain to begin surveillance of

Weaver residence. At 4:30 a.m., Marshals Service team arrives at residence

of Wayne and Ruth Rau, park their vehicle and move to surveillance positions

on Ruby Ridge. The team splits into two three-man teams at the "Y." The

observation post ("OP") team (Hunt, Norris and Thomas) goes to site above

the Weaver compound while the reconnaissance ("Recon") team (Roderick,

Cooper and Degan) proceeds up the trail from "Y" toward the Weaver compound.


Friday, August 21, 1992


At 9:00 a.m. the Recon team joins the OP team at the observation post above

the Weaver compound to discuss their observations. The Recon team proceeds

to area 200-250 yards from the Weaver cabin were Roderick tosses rocks in

the direction of the Weaver compound. The Recon team moves to garden/spring

house area below the Weaver cabin.


At 10:00 a.m., while Recon team gets ready to leave garden/spring house

area, Norris, at the observation post, radios that a vehicle is approaching

and that the Weavers are responding. Recon team retreats through the woods

toward the fern field while pursued by Kevin Harris and the Weaver dog,

Striker. As the Recon team passes the fern field proceeding towards the "Y",

Sammy Weaver is seen with Harris and the dog in pursuit.


At 10:30 a.m., a gun battle occurs at the "Y", in which Deputy Marshal Degan

and Sammy Weaver are killed. Upon hearing the shots the OP team runs through

the woods to assist the Recon team and are fired upon when running from the

fern field to the "Y." None of the marshals are aware that Sammy Weaver has

been shot and killed.


At 10:45 a.m., Hunt and Thomas leave the "Y" to go to the Rau house to call

for assistance. Roderick, Cooper and Norris stay with Degan's body.


At 11:20 a.m., Hunt makes a 911 emergency call to the Boundary County

Sheriff's office. Bonners Ferry, Idaho.


At 11:40 a.m., the Marshals Service Crisis Center is activated under the

director of Duke Smith, Associate Director for Operations. The Marshals

Service Special Operations Group ("SOG") is alerted to deploy. Hunt reports

to the Crisis Center that the surveillance team came under fire from

occupants of the Weaver compound and are still pinned down in defensive



At 1:30 p.m., in Washington, D.C., Marshals Service Director Hudson and

other Marshals Service officials meet with FBI Associate Deputy Director

Douglas Gow and FBI Assistant Director Larry Potts to discuss the response

to the shooting and the marshals predicament on Ruby Ridge.


In the late afternoon, Assistant Director Potts orders the FBI Hostage

Rescue Team ("HRT") deployed.


At 6:30 p.m., HRT Commander Richard Rogers and the advance team of HRT

personnel depart for Idaho accompanied by Marshals Service Director of

Operations Duke Smith. While en route, Rogers has a series of conversations

with Assistant Director Potts and Deputy Assistant Director Coulson about

proposed Rules of Engagement.


At 1:00 p.m., the Idaho State Police Critical Response Team ("CRI") is

informed of the incident and proceed to form a command post near the Rau



At 8:30 p.m., Idaho State Police CRT leaves the command post to rescue

Deputy Marshals Roderick, Cooper, and Norris and the body of Marshal Degan.


At 9:30 p.m., FBI Special Agent in Charge Gene Glenn arrives at the command

post at Ruby Ridge. Glenn assumes overall responsibility for the FBI

operations at Ruby Ridge.In the afternoon, U.S. Marshal Michael Johnson

notifies U.S. Attorney Ellsworth of the shooting at Ruby Ridge. Ellsworth

sends Ron Howen to Ruby Ridge to act as the U.S. Attorney's representative.

Howen arrives at Ruby Ridge late in the evening.


Saturday, August 22, 1992


At 1:00 a.m., Idaho State Police CRT arrives back at the command post and

brings with it the three deputy marshals and the body of Deputy Marshal

Degan. Thereafter, the marshals are taken to the Boundary County Hospital

for examination and then are taken back to their condominium at Schweitzer

Mountain, arriving at approximately 3:00 a.m. Sometime in the afternoon, FBI

agents interview the marshals involved in the August 21 incident. A criminal

complaint is filed charging Weaver and Harris with murder of Deputy Marshal

Degan in violation of 1: U.S.C. 111, 1111 and 1114.At 4:45 a.m., the HRT

advance team arrives at (cut off...)


At 9:00, a.m., HRT Commander Rogers briefs HRT members at the National Guard

Armory, Bonners Ferry, Idaho. The Rules of Engagement are still being



At 10:30 a.m., the HRT and SOG are assembling the operations plan.At 2:40

p.m., the operations plan, including Rules of Engagement, are sent to FBI

Headquarters and the Marshals Service for review.


Between 2:30-3:30 p.m., the HRT sniper/observers briefed on approved Rules

of Engagement and depart on foot to their observation posts on the mountain.


From 5:07 p.m. to 5:22 p.m., the HRT sniper/observer teams arrive at their

positions on the ridge overlooking the Weaver cabin. At approximately 5:58

p.m., HRT sniper/observer Lon Horiuchi fires round which wounds Randy

Weaver. Seconds later, Horiuchi fires a round which kills Vicki Weaver and

wounds Kevin Harris.


At 6:30 p.m., an Armored Personnel Carrier ("APC") arrives at the cabin

area. FBI hostage negotiator delivers message over loud speaker that there

are arrest warrants for Randy Weaver and Kevin Harris and asks Weaver to

accept negotiations telephone.


At 8:00 p.m., HRT sniper/observer teams and SOG personnel are withdrawn from

their mountain observation posts because of the cold weather. During the

evening, FBI SWAT teams are deployed around the command post and control

access to the road leading to the Weaver cabin.


Sunday, August 23, 1992


At 6:00 a.m., the HRT teams are sent back to their positions on the mountain

and arrive there at about 7:30 a.m. HRT Commander Rogers takes two teams of

HRT personnel to the Weaver cabin area, and makes repeate announcements over

bull-horn for those inside to enter into negotiations. No response is heard.


At 8:01 p.m., APCs are used to remove outbuildings near the Weaver cabin.

During the clearing of the birthing shed the body of Sammy Weaver is found

in the shed.


Monday, August 24, 1992


Negotiators try to make contact with Randy Weaver using a loud speaker. They

address Vicki Weaver for the first time. No response is heard from the

cabin. Assessment sent to crisis site includes proposal to use third parties

in negotiations.


August 24, 27-31 and September 1 1992


FBI conducts searches of the "Y" area.


Tuesday, August 25, 1992 Negotiators continue efforts for Weaver/ Harris

group to surrender. These efforts include statements directed specifically

at Vicki Weaver. No response is heard from the cabin.


Wednesday, August 26, 1992


At 10:53 a.m., The Rules of Engagement that were in effect since the arrival

of the HRT on August 22 are revoked. At the direction of Glenn, the FBI's

Standard Deadly Force Policy replaces the Rules of Engagement to guide law

enforcement personnel deployed on cabin perimeter concerning the use of

deadly force. . .


At approximately 3:00 p.m. the first contact is made with Randy Weaver.

Weaver says he wants to talk to his sister, Marnis Joy.


Thursday, August 27, 1992


Marnis Joy attempts to speak with Randy Weaver, but is unsuccessful.


Friday, August 28, 1992


Further attempts by Marnis Joy to speak with Weaver are unsuccessful.


At 5:15 p.m., Weaver states he will talk to Bo Gritz.


At 6:58 p.m., Bo Gritz enters the Weaver compound in APC. Gritz speaks with

Weaver at the cabin. Weaver advises him that Vicki Weaver was killed and

that the and Kevin Harris have been wounded.


Saturday, August 29, 1992


Gritz and Weaver family friend, Jackie Brown, speak with Weaver, his

daughter and Kevin Harris at the cabin.


At 5:07 p.m., Jackie Brown enters Weaver cabin.


At 9:10 p.m., she advises of status of Weaver and Kevin Harris.


Sunday, August 30, 1992


In mid-morning, Harris decides to surrender after talking with Gritz and

Jack McLamb, a retired police officer assisting Gritz in the negotiations.


At 6:27 p.m., Jackie Brown and Bo Gritz carry Vicki Weaver's body from the

cabin. After delivering the body, Jacie Brown returns to the cabin to clean

the blood from the floor.


Monday, August 31, 1992


At 9:40 a.m., Gritz and McLamb return to the cabin to begin negotiations.

Later, Randy Weaver and his children surrender.


In the late morning, FBI Special Agent Larry Wages discovers bullet intact

at center of the "Y." Because a photographer was unavailable to label and

photograph the bullet, Wages removed it before participating in a search of

the Weaver cabin. Later that day he returned the bullet and had it

photographed at the spot where it was originally retrieved. This bullet

later receives the designation L-1 and is referred to as the "pristine

bullet" by the defense.


August 31, September 1 and September 10, 1992


Searches of the Weaver cabin, grounds and outbuildings are conducted under

the supervision of the FBI.


September 3 and September 8, 1992


U.S. Attorney Ellsworth requests FBI Special Agent in Charge Glenn to

present and produce a broad range of documents for use in discovery and at

trail. September 10, 1992 A combined preliminary examination and detention

hearing for Weaver begins before U.S. Magistrate Judge Williams.


September 11, 1992


U.S. Attorney Ellsworth argues motion to continue preliminary hearing of

Harris from September 14 to September 15. He enters into stipulation with

defense counsel Nevin and represents that Harris will have a preliminary

hearing on September 15.


September 15, 1992


Preliminary Hearing of Harris begins before U.S. Magistrate Judge Boyle.




September 16, 1992


Grand Jury indicts Harris and Weaver for the assault and murder of Deputy

Marshal Degan. Defense Counsel Nevin makes an oral motion to quash the

indictment against Harris. Magistrate Judge Boyle took the matter under

advisement and began the detention phase of the hearing. After hearing

argument from the parties Judge Wiliams, who was presiding over the Weaver

preliminary hearing decided to terminate that hearing and to proceed to the

detention hearing phase.


September 17, 1992


Judge Boyle denies Harris' motion to quash the indictment and begins the

detention phase of the proceeding. Weaver pleads not guilty to aiding and

abetting Deputy Marshal Degan's murder.


September 18, 1992


Harris pleads innocent to murdering Deputy Marshal Degan.


September 23, 1992


Assistant U.S. Attorney Lindquist and Special Agent Rampton travel to

Quantico, Virginia to meet with HRT Commander Rogers. Rogers resists

providing the operations plan and signed statements of HRT members to



September 30, 1992


The investigative team from the FBI Inspection Division issues a Shooting

Incident Report - which contained its findings from its administrative

inquiry into the shootings by the HRT at Ruby Ridge.


October 1, 1992


The grand jury returns a superseding 10 count indictment against Weaver and

Harris which added a conspiracy count, among others, to earlier charges.


October 16, 1992


The Government and the defendants enter into a discovery stipulation to

provide the reciprocal disclosure of materials.


Late October, 1992


Deputy Marshals Robert Masaitis and John Stafford and BATF Agents Herbert

Byerly and Jane Hefner are assigned to assist the USAO in preparing the case

for trial.


October 30, 1992


Assistant U.S. Attorney Howen, Deputy Marshals Stafford, Mesaitis and Hunt

and Sheriff Whittaker participate in an experiment at Ruby Ridge to

determine if they could distinguish the types of weapons heard and whether

echoes were heard. First team meeting is held in Post Falls, Idaho, with

members from the USAO, FBI, USMS, and BATF in attendance.


November 9, 1992


The FBI Shooting Incident Review Group issues a 4-page report concluding

that no administrative action necessary regarding the shootings by the HRT

at Ruby Ridge.


November 16, 1992


Weaver and Harris file formal motions to dismiss the indictments against

them alleging that their preliminary hearings had been improperly



November 19, 1992


The grand jury returns a Second Superseding Indictment against Weaver and

Harris. The indictment charges violations of 18 U.S.C. 2, 3, 111, 115, 371,

922 (g) (2), 924 (c) (1), 1071, 1111, 1114, 3146 (a) (1) and 3147 and 26

U.S.C. 5861 (d) and (f). The case proceeds to trial on this indictment.


December 22, 1992


The diagram of the "Y" generated by the FBI Visual Information Specialists

is discovered to be inaccurate.


January 6, 1993


Magistrate Judge Williams issues a Report Recommendation and Order denying

Weaver's motion to dismiss because of the alleged improper termination of

the Weaver preliminary hearing.


January 6, 1993


Magistrate Judge Boyle issues Report, Order and Recommendation denying

Harris' motion to dismiss because of alleged improper termination of the

Weaver preliminary hearing.


January 7, 1993


Meeting between officials from Department of Justice and the FBI

Headquarters to discuss the discovery dispute in the Weaver matter.


January 8, 1993


A conference is held in the chambers of U.S. District Judge Lodge. The

defense requests a trail continuance from February 2 1993 due to the volume

of evidence and because the FBI Laboratory examinations were not completed

and provided. Judge Lodge admonishes the prosecutors to have the FBI

Laboratory complete the exams and provide the results to the defense

quickly. Weaver and Harris file a joint Motion to Disqualify the U.S.

Attorney's Office, To Dismiss the Indictments, To Strike Prejudicial

Allegations, To Order an Evidentiary Hearing and for a Continuance Pending

an Investigation by the U.S. Attorney General and Pending Interlocutory

Appeals by the Parties. FBI Headquarters sends Shooting Incident Report to

the Boise Resident Agency with instructions that the USAO could review but

not copy the report.


January 12, 1993


FBI Headquarter sends remaining documents involved in the discovery dispute

with USAO to Boise Resident Agency with the instructions that the USAO may

review, but not copy the documents.


January 20, 1993


Assistant U.S. Attorney Lindquist reviews at the Boise Resident Agency the

documents at issue in the discovery dispute between the USAO and the FBI.


February 17, 1993 District


Judge Lodge issues order adopting ruling of the magistrate judges to reject

Weaver and Harris' motion to dismiss the indictments based on the alleged

improper termination of the preliminary hearing.


March 22-23, 1993


Additional searches of the "Y" and the Weaver cabin and grounds are



March 23, 1993


Department of Justice officials hold second meeting with FBI officials in an

attempt to resolve the discovery dispute between the USAO and the FBI.


April 7, 1993


Prosecution produces the Shooting Incident Report to the defense.


Early April 1993


Assistant U.S. Attorney Howen meets with Special Agent Wages to discuss his

trial testimony. Wages informs Howen that the "Y" scenes photographs were

taken after the bullets had been removed and replaced. Howen takes notes of

this disclosure.


April 10, 1993


Prosecution produces the Situation Reports and the Operations Plan to



April 12, 1993


Prosecution produces the Shooting Incident Review Group memo and the

Marshal's Critique to the defense.


April 13, 1993


The Harris/Weaver trial begins in federal court in Boise, Idaho before the

Honorable Edward Lodge.


April 13, 1993


The defense files an ex parte application for subpoenas duces tecum.

Included among the requested subpoenas is one to FBI Inspector Miller to

bring any and all records used by the Shooting Incident Review Team; other

subpoenas requested the FBI and the Marshals Service to produce copies of

certain manual provisions and personnel files.


April 14, 1993


Judge Lodge approved the defense ex parte application for subpoenas duces



April 14 or 15, 1993


At FBI Headquarters, Brian Callihan of the Civil Litigation Unit is informed

of the defense subpoena seeking the Shooting Incident Report and supporting



April 20, 1993


Government informant Fadeley reveals on the cross examination that he was

expecting a monetary award following his work in the Weaver case.


April 21, 1993


Defense moves to strike the testimony of Fadeley arguing that he was a

contingent fee witness.


April 23, 1993


Defense files a motion to hold the government in contempt or to compel it to

produce the personnel files and manual provisions subpoenaed on April 14.

Later that day, the USAO files a motion for a protective order.


April 23-May 3, 1993


The court recessed the trial. On April 24, Howen interviews Captain David

Neal and other members of the Idaho State Police CRT, who rescued the

marshals late on August 21, 1992.


April 30, 1993


Callihan requests the Civil Discovery Review Unit of the FBI Legal Counsel

Division to "locate and process for release" documents responsive to the

defense subpoena for the Shooting Incident Report. This request is assigned

to Monique Wilson.


May 11, 1993


Monique Wilson forwards to Brian Callihan the documents responsive to the

defense subpoena for the shooting incident report.


May 12, 1993


USAO files Henthorn certificates for the personnel files of Horiuchi,

Roderick, Cooper and Degan.


May 17, 1993


Judge Lodge denies the motion to strike the Fadeley testimony.


May 20, 1993


Special Agent Calley finds additional notes of the Cooper interview and the

draft FD-302 in his desk.


May 21, 1993


Howen advises the court and defense counsel that, three weeks earlier, he

had interviewed David Neal, the Idaho Police Captain who rescued the

marshals on August 21st, and that during this interview Neal indicated that

it was his impression from a statement made by Deputy Marshal Roderick that

Roderick fired the first shot. The court calls a recess to give the defense

the opportunity to interview Neal. Howen informs the court and the defense

of the notes FBI Special Agent Calley found in his desk drawer. These notes

related to the August 1992 interviews of Deputy Marshal Cooper and appeared

to contradict Cooper's trial testimony about critical events. Howen produces

the notes to the defense. Brian Callihan prepares package containing

documents responsive to the defense subpoena for the Shooting Incident

Report and transmits it to the FBI mail room.


May 23-24, 1993


Sometime during this period, Special Agent Wages during his trial

preparation reminded Howen about the circumstances surrounding the taking of

the L series photographs.


May 25, 1993


Howen discloses to the court the circumstances surrounding the taking of the

L series photographs and produces additional search photographs, some of

which appear to be pictures of the L bullets before being removed.


June 4, 1993


HRT sniper Lon Horiuchi completes his testimony. Documents responsive to the

April 13, 1993 defense subpoenas to the FBI and that were mailed by the FBI

on May 21, 1993, are received at the U.S. Attorney's Office. Judge Lodge

calls action "totally inexcusable."


June 9, 1993


Judge Lodge fines the government $3240 for failing to comply with the courts

discovery order to produce materials in a timely manner and orders that Lon

Horiuchi be returned for further questioning.


June 11, 1993


Judge Lodge dismisses two counts of the ten count indictment (Count Six

charged violations of 18 U.S.C. 2 and 111, and Count Eight charged a

violation of 18 U.S.C. 922 (g) (2)) in the indictment for lack of



June 16, 1993


Jury deliberation begin on the 42nd day of the trial.


July 8, 1993


The jury acquits Weaver and Harris for the murder of Deputy Marshal Degan.

Harris is also acquitted of all other charges against him. Weaver is

convicted on Count Three (Failure to Appear, 18 U.S.C. 3146 (A) (1)) and

Count Nine (Committing an Offense While on Release. 18 U.S..C 3147 (1))

and found not guilty on all other counts. Weaver is incarcerated pending

sentencing. August 19-20, 1993 The Boundary County Sheriff's Office conducts

a search of the vicinity around the Weaver cabin, including the "Y".


October 18, 1993


Weaver is sentenced to 18 months incarceration, three years probation and

receives $10,000 fine upon conviction for failure to appear and committing

an offense while on release.


October 26, 1993


Judge Lodge issues an order imposing a $1920 fine against the FBI. This fine

represented the attorney fees paid to defense counsel when Horiuchi had to

be called back to testify because of the untimely production of certain

Shooting Incident Report materials. Judge Lodge was critical of the FBI's

actions in producing discoverable materials.


December 18, 1993


Weaver is released from incarceration.




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