Department of Justice Ruby Ridge Report




On Aug. 22, 1992, on a remote ridge in northern Idaho, a weeklong standoff

between Randy Weaver and federal agents ended in a

shootout in which an FBI sniper shot and killed Weaver's wife, Vicky. The

Ruby Ridge confrontation began a week earlier when federal marshals tried to

arrest Weaver for failing to appear in court on weapons charges. At that

time, a gun battle erupted between marshals and Weaver's 14-year-old son,

resulting in the deaths of Weaver's son and a marshal.


The incident led to one of the most intensive internal reviews of an FBI

investigation ever. Attorney General Janet Reno established a Justice

Department task force to investigate the events at Ruby Ridge. The task

force concluded in a 1994 report that the FBI's Hostage Rescue Team

overreacted to the threat of violence and instituted a shoot-on-sight policy

that violated bureau guidelines and Fourth Amendment restrictions on police

power. The FBI disciplined 12 agents and employees, including Larry Potts,

then the head of its criminal division and now its deputy director, for

their roles in the operation.


In the hard copy of this document, some material has been deleted and marked

by the word "Garrity," apparently referring to U.S. Supreme Court opinion

Garrity v. New Jersey (1967). Under Garrity, government employees must be

granted immunity from criminal prosecution if they provide information

during an administrative investigation.




A. Overview


In February 1993, the Office of Professional Responsibility ("OPR") of the

U.S. Department of Justice (the "Department") was informed of allegations

made by defense counsel for Randall ("Randy") Weaver and Kevin Harris in the

criminal case of United States v. Weaver which was pending in the federal

district court in Idaho. Defense counsel alleged that employees of several

components of the Department had engaged in criminal and professional

misconduct during the investigation, apprehension, and prosecution of Randy

Weaver and Kevin Harris. The Department decided to defer action on this

matter until the criminal trial was completed.


In July 1993, a jury acquitted Weaver and Harris of charges stemming from

the murder of a federal officer. Following the acquittal, numerous

additional allegations were raised by defense counsel an other sources

against the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms ("BATF"), the U.S.

Marshals Service ("Marshals Service") , the Federal Bureau of Investigation

("FBI" or "Bureau") and the U.S> Attorney's Office for the District of Idaho

("USAO"). Included among these allegations were claims that Department

employees had unlawfully caused the deaths of Sammy and Vicki Weaver, had

taken actions that had obstructed justice, had committed perjury and had

engaged in other criminal and ethical misconduct. In late July 1993,

attorneys from OPR and the Criminal Division of the Department, assisted by

inspectors form the FBI, began an investigation of these allegations.


This report details the results of this investigation and traces

chronologically the events that occurred in the Weaver matter. The early

sections of the report focus on Weaver's sale of illegal firearms to a BATF

informant, BATF's unsuccessful attempt to enlist Weaver as an informant, the

subsequent governmental delay in seeking an indictment on the firearms

violations, and Weaver's arrest on weapons charges followed by his

subsequent failure to appear for trial on those charges. Another area of

investigative inquiry focuses on the efforts of the Marshals Service to

apprehend Weaver. These efforts culminated in the August 21, 1992 gun battle

at Ruby Ridge which took the lives of Deputy Marshal William Degan and

Weaver's son, Sammy Weaver. Next, the report contains a discussion of the

involvement of the FBI in the Weaver matter, including its initial

intervention in the crisis, its responsibility for the death of Vicki Weaver

and wounding of Kevin Harris on August 22, 1992, its handling of the crisis

including its attempts to end the week-long standoff, its handling of the

crime scene searches and its subsequent activities in assisting the USAO in

preparing the Weaver case for trial. Finally, the last section of the report

addresses the handling by the USAO and the investigative agencies of the

prosecution of Weaver and Harris including representation made by the U.S.

Attorney to the court prior to the beginning of Harris' preliminary hearing,

the conduct of the Assistant U.S. Attorney before the grand jury and the

untimely disclosure of critical information to the defense.


We found that many of the allegations of misconduct were not supported by

the evidence. However, we did find merit in some of the more serious

charges. As a result, we have asked that the appropriate component of the

Department examine for prosecutive merit the conduct of the FBI

sniper/observer who fired the shots on August 22, 1992. In addition, because

our investigation indicated that Assistant U.S. Attorney Ronald Howen took

certain questionable actions during the investigation and prosecution of the

Weaver case, we have recommended that the Executive Office for United States

Attorneys examine our analysis of his conduct and take whatever

administrative action it deems appropriate. Finally, we have formulated a

series of recommendations that address the problems that we reviewed or

uncovered during our investigation.


B. Significant Findings


In October 1989, Randy Weaver sold illegal weapons to a BATF informant. When

BATF agents later attempted to enlist Weaver as an informant in their

investigation of the Aryan Nations, Weaver refused to cooperate. Seven

months later, the government indicted Weaver for the illegal weapons sales.

We have found no evidence to support the claim that BATF targeted Weaver

because of his religious or political beliefs. Similarly, we found

insufficient evidence to sustain the charge that Weaver was illegally

entrapped into selling the weapons.


When Weaver was arraigned on the weapons charges in January 1991, he was

told that his trial would commence on February 19, 1991. Two weeks later,

the court clerk notified the parties that the trial date had been changed to

February 20, 1991. Shortly thereafter, the U.S. Probation Office sent Weaver

a letter which incorrectly referenced his trial date as March 20, 1991.

After Weaver failed to appear for trial on February 20, the court issued a

bench warrant for his arrest. Three weeks later, on March 14, a federal

grand jury indicted Weaver for his failure to appear for trial. We found

that: the government, especially the USAO, was unnecessarily rigid in its

approach to the issues created by the erroneous letter; that the USAO

improvidently sought an indictment before March 20, 1991;




From February 1991 through August 1992, the Marshals Service was involved in

efforts to apprehend Weaver to stand trial for the weapons charges and for

his failure to appear fortrial. These efforts included gathering information

about Weaver and developing a plan to arrest him. Base on information that

it collected, the Marshals Service learned that for many years Weaver had

made statements about his intent to violently confront federal law

enforcement officials. As a result, the Marshals Service concluded that

Weaver intended to resist violently governmental attempts to arrest him.

Thereafter, the Marshals Service investigated and carefully considered

alternatives that would enable it to arrest Weaver without endangering his

family or law enforcement personnel. It concluded that an undercover

operation would be the most prudent way to proceed.


In August 1992, six marshals travelled to an area in northern Idaho known as

Ruby Ridge to conduct surveillance of the Weaver residence in preparation

for the undercover operation. During the surveillance mission, the Weaver

dog discovered the marshals and began to bark. The marshals retreated with

the dog, Harris, Randy Weaver and his son, Sammy Weaver, and other family

members in pursuit. At an area known as the "Y," a gun battle occurred in

which Deputy Marshal Degan and Sammy Weaver were killed.


We conclude that the marshals took a measured approach in developing a plan

to apprehend Weaver. Throughout the 18 month period that the marshals were

responsible for apprehending Weaver, they carefully devised a plan intended

to pose the least amount of risk to Weaver, his family, and the marshals. At

no time did we find that it was the intent of the marshals to force a

confrontation with Weaver or his family. Although some may question the

expenditures of manpower and resources by the Marshals Service during this

18 month period, we believe that institutional pressure created by the

existence of a bench warrant and an indictment, left the Marshals Service

with little choice but to proceed as it did. Moreover, the USAO did little

to assist the Marshals Service in this matter. Indeed, during the first part

of this process the USAO thwarted the efforts of the Director of the

Marshals Service to focus the court on the danger involved in making the

arrest and incorrectly terminated efforts by the Marshals Service to

negotiate with Weaver through intermediaries.


With regard to the responsibility for the deaths that occurred at the Y, the

marshals assert that Harris initiated the fire fight when he shot Deputy

Marshal Degan while Weaver and Harris claim that the marshals fired the

first shots. After a thorough review of all of the evidence made available

to us, we have been unable to determine conclusively who fired the first

shot during the exchange of gunfire. Although there is evidence that one of

the marshals shot Sammy Weaver during the exchange of gunfire, we found no

proof that the shooting of the boy was anything other than an accident. In

fact, the evidence indicates that the marshals did not know that Sammy

Weaver had been killed or wounded until his body was discovered by the FBI

in a shed outside the Weaver cabin two days later. Nor did wediscover any

evidence indicating that the marshals attempted to cover up their roles in

the incident or that they exaggerated the events to cause a more drastic FBI

response than was appropriate.


Soon after learning of the August 21 incident at Ruby Ridge, the FBI

officials in Washington, D.C. evaluated the information made available to

them and decided to deploy its Hostage Rescue Team ("HRT") to Idaho to deal

with the crisis. HRT members assumed their position around the Weaver

compound late in the afternoon of August 22, 1992 but before doing so they

were instructed that their conduct was to be governed by specially

formulated Rules of Engagement ("Rules"). These Rules instructed the HRT

snipers that before a surrender announcement was made they could and should

shoot all armed adult males appearing outside the cabin. Operating under

these Rules on August 22, an FBI sniper/observer fired two shots in quick

succession. The first shot was at an armed adult male whom he believed was

about to fire at a HRT helicopter on an observation mission. The first shot

wounded Randy Weaver while in front of a building at the Weaver compound

known as the birthing shed. The second shot was fired at Harris while Harris

was retreating into the Weaver cabin. The second shot seriously wounded

Harris and killed Vicki Weaver who was behind the cabin door.


Following this shooting incident FBI officials spent the next eight days

attempting to convince Weaver and Harris to surrender to federal

authorities. Finally, due largely to the efforts of nongovernmental

negotiators, Harris and Weaver surrendered on August 30 and August 31

respectively. Thereafter, the FBI completed its searches of the cabin and

surrounding areas. During the following month, the FBI also conducted an

internal review of the shooting incident to determine if the sniper had

responded appropriately.


Our review found numerous problems with the conduct of the FBI at Ruby

Ridge. Although we concluded that the decision to deploy the HRT to Ruby

Ridge was appropriate and consistent with Department policy, we do not

believe that the FBI's initial attempts at intelligence gathering at the

scene were sufficiently thorough. We also found serious problems with the

terms of the Rules of Engagement in force at Ruby Ridge. Certain portions of

these Rules not only departed from the FBI's standard deadly force policy

but also contravened the Constitution of the United States. In addition, we

found these Rules to be imprecise and believe that they may have created an

atmosphere that encouraged the use of deadly force thereby having the effect

of contributing to an unintentional death.


With regard to the two shots fired on August 22, we concluded that the first

shot met the standard of "objective reasonableness" the Constitution

requires for the legal use of deadly force but that the second shot did not

satisfy that standard. It is our conclusion that the sniper/observer who

took the second shot intended to shoot Kevin Harris but accidentally killed

Vicki Weaver whom he did not see behind the curtained door. We also found

the internal FBI review of the shooting incident has not been sufficiently

thorough and reached incorrect conclusions about the second shot.


Our examination of the command and control of the crisis by the FBI, found

numerous shortcomings. These shortcomings included initial inadequacies in

utilizing negotiating personnel, communicating with FBI Headquarters,

documenting decisions and securing the site.


During and after the crisis, the crime scenes were searched by many law

enforcement officials under the direct supervision of the FBI. We found the

FBI's handling of the crime scene searches to be inadequate including its

failure to use basic crime scene techniques in collecting evidence.

Furthermore, the general disorganization and inexperience of some of the

participants coupled with inaccuracies in the searches adversely affected

the prosecution and contributed to the negative impression of the government

generated during the trial. We found no evidence that these deficiencies

were intentional or that the FBI staged evidence for the prosecution's



Shortly after their arrest, separate preliminary hearings were held for

Weaver and Harris. While arguing the government's motion requesting a

continuance of the Harris preliminary hearing, U.S. Attorney Ellsworth made

statements indicating that the government would allow Harris to have a

complete preliminary hearing in return or consenting to the continuance.

Thereafter, Harris consented to the continuance with the understanding that

he would have a full preliminary hearing. An indictment was returned against

Harris while his preliminary hearing was in progress. We have found that the

U.S. Attorney did not intentionally misrepresent the government's position

but that he failed to appreciate the impact of his statements and that he

neglected to pay sufficient attention to the information that the received

concerning the probably length of the preliminary hearing.


After the first indictments were returned against Weaver and Harris, the

Assistant U.S. Attorney continued to present evidence to the grand jury

which led to the return of two superseding indictments, each containing a

conspiracy count. We found these conspiracy counts to be overly broad and to

contain some overt acts for which there was insufficient evidence.




Later the USAO decided to seek the death penalty against Weaver and Harris

even though the applicable federal appellate court had held that the offense

charged could not constitutionally support the imposition of a death

sentence. We have concluded that the decision to seek the death penalty,

although made in good faith, gave the appearance that the government was



From the moment that the USAO began to prepare the case for trial, it met

with resistance from the FBI. This resistance took many forms, all of which

served to make preparation of the case more difficult. The FBI continuously

opposed actions of the prosecutors requested to prepare the case for trial,

ranging from having the case agents conduct out-of state interviews to

enlisting agents from other agencies to help prepare the case. The FBI,

which wanted to be the only agency or, at a minimum, the lead agency on the

case, resisted working as a coequal member of the prosecution team.

Furthermore, when the USAO sought advice and assistance from the FBI

Laboratory they met with unjustified delays and resistance that created

discord within the team and disrupted trial preparation. These problems

contributed to the USAO's decision to retain private forensic experts.


In addition, the FBI unjustifiably delayed producing materials to the USAO

that were needed for trial preparation and that were clearly discoverable

under federal law and the discovery stipulation signed by the parties. This

action unreasonably delayed the availability of these materials for trial

preparation and for discovery. Particularly at the headquarters level, we

found that the FBI's efforts to locate and produce discoverable documents to

be disorganized and incomplete. The late production during trial of

materials associated with the FBI Shooting Incident Report negatively

affected the court's and the jury's perception of the government and the

government's case. In addition, the delays in discovery caused by the

disorganization of and mistakes committed by the FBI Laboratory contributed

to the delay of the trial and to the perception that the government was

uncooperative and not being totally forthcoming.


However, the FBI was not alone in failing to make timely disclosure of

critical information to the defense. The USAO was also responsible for not

promptly revealing certain important information to the defense. Although in

some instances we found these tardy disclosures to be unjustified or

negligent, we do not believe that they were improperly motivated or taken

intentionally to obstruct the Weaver trial.


C. Significant Recommendations


As the result of our investigation, we have made seven broad

recommendations. First, we recommend that all federal law enforcement

officers be governed by a standard deadly force policy and that the

Department of Justice be responsible for developing such a policy. in

addition to specifying clearly the circumstances in which deadly force may

be used, the policy should define the occasions in which special Rules of

Engagement may be implemented and the process by which such rules should be



Second, we recommend that a crisis response team, including specially

trained crisis managers, be available to respond to crises. In addition, we

endorse the proposal to include specially trained prosecutors to provide

legal support to tactical teams when needed. We also propose periodic joint

training exercises by the various federal and local law enforcement agencies

which are responsible for responding to crisis situation.


Third, we recommend that a panel comprised of representatives from federal

law enforcement agencies, including an attorney form the Department of

Justice, be created to examine the internal reviews that law enforcement

agencies conduct after shooting incidents occur. This examination would

focus on the thoroughness and prosecutive merit of the internal review.


Fourth, we recommend that FBI field offices that do not have a team in place

to recover evidence after major hostage/barricade crises like Ruby Ridge

request the assistance of the Evidence Response Team at FBI Headquarters. We

further recommend that procedures be adopted to improve the coordination

between the FBI Laboratory and the federal prosecutors and that an

examination be done of the FBI procedures regarding the memorializing of



Sixth, we recommend that all U.S. Attorneys' Offices institute a review

process for indictments, at least for significant cases.


Finally, we recommend that our findings concerning the events surrounding

the shooting of Vicki Weaver on August 22, 1992 be referred to the

appropriate component of the Department of Justice to assess prosecutive

merit. In addition, we recommend that our analysis of the conduct of

Assistant U.S. Attorney Ronald Howen be referred to the Executive Office for

United States Attorneys for whatever administrative action it deems
