The Randy Weaver Story
by Louis Beam
In 1985, the FBI approached Randy Weaver, a former Special Forces soldier in
Viet Nam, and asked him to become an informant for the federal government.
(The federals have over 12,000 paid informants nationwide, who's job it is
to spy upon the American populace.) Weaver refused. He then filed an
affidavit with his county recorder saying he feared for his life as a result
of the refusal.
In August, of 1992, an eleven-day siege of the Weaver home in North Idaho
began. A federal agent charged that Weaver had shotgun with the barrel 1/4"
too short. Weaver said it was a frame up for refusing to pimp for the
government. Over 500 Federal personnel (federal marshals, FBI and ATF
agents, US Army soldiers, some of whom had just returned from the killing
fields in Iraq) surrounded the Weaver home; and above in the sky flew US Air
Force planes and personnel. Included in the Federals on the ground were
crack snipers, trained at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia. Their job
was to kill Weaver. Weaver had vowed not to surrender to the Federals on the
phony charges brought as punishment for refusing them.
The siege ended August 31, with the surrender of Weaver, but not before the
red-White-and-Blue star-spangled-taxpayer-paid snipers had shot Weaver's
14-year old son Samuel in the back, killing him, and blew Weaver's wife's
head apart as she stood at the front door of the cabin, as she was holding
their ten-month-old baby girl in her arms. Your government's sniper bullet
shattered Mrs. Weaver's skull (a mother of four) with such force that as her
skull exploded, bone fragment struck the chest and arm of family friend
Kevin Harris as he was running through the doorway, causing serious
infection in his lung. The baby, covered with the crimson blood of it's
mother, fell to the floor in screams of un-understanding terror. (Do I say
the pledge of allegiance to the flag now, or may I wait till the nausea has
passed?) Two other children, a sixteen-year-old girl and a ten-year-old
girl, watched in horror as their mother fell dead to the floor, barely
escaping injury or death themselves.
The federals, have, by these two murders of a child and woman, violated the
rules of civilized warfare. War is made upon men, not upon women and
This federal act of barbarity against women and children must be punished-
in the courts of justice, if possible- in the court of last resort, if not.
The federals have made a terrible error in the Weaver case that they will
long regret. Their cruelty and callous disregard for the rules of civilized
warfare will have the effect of solidifying opposition to them. Long after
Weaver is tried and has been freed by the courts as an innocent man
wrongfully accused, there will be 10,000 White men* in this country who
harbor in their hearts a terrible hatred for the federals and all they stand
for, coupling their hatred with a burning desire to see the federals pay for
their crime against nature. Tens of thousands will now see clearly the face
of an enemy that before they could not visualize. The attack upon the Weaver
family was an attack upon all of us.
It is true that Vicky and Samuel Weaver's blood now stains the ground around
their small cabin on a remote mountain top, but it is also clear that their
blood stains the flag of the federal government and every single person who
serves that government.
The Federals will get their 1/4" of gun barrel, along with the other 18 or
so inches that comes behind it. Mark my word, this incident, like that of
the murder of Gordon Kahl, will not go away. The blood of these innocent
ones, like a prism, makes everything clear. Men across this nation will sit
quietly in their homes planning, plotting, praying, and waiting. Then
someday, without a signal from anyone-yet, as if a signal had came from
everyone-they will walk quickly out their front doors with a look of grim
determination on their faces. It will happen. It will happen nationwide. Ten
thousand Randy Weavers are spread out from one Coast to the other. 1/4" is
all the federals said they wanted from Randy Weaver. The rest of us will
give them the other 18. Payback, some will call it. For others, it will be
an act of true patriotism in the spirit of Lexington and Concord. For Randy
Weaver's son Samuel, and Wife Vicky, it will be justice.
*- I don't see this as a "White Only" issue, I think this affects everyone, regardless of race.