Hefty Burdens is set in New York and Florida in 1970. It concerns one
determined woman's quest to produce and direct a no budget exploitation
movie. Along the way, she must deal with opinionated and near crazy
relatives, a pill addled Israeli stripper, a romantically inclined
double agent, and a large sink hole. Think Ed Wood as a woman meets
Austin Powers on the set of "Boogie Nights".


Sunni Grey: 40ish, tough but vulnerable film maker

Mike Pope: 30ish. A double, possibly triple agent trained to
infiltrate subversive groups, but has he gone too far?

Saul: 30+. Sunni's long suffering, closeted best friend.

Bernice Grey: 30ish, Sunni's sister in law. Wannabe writer and

Henry Hill: 18+. Down on his luck porno actor.

Melissa: 18+. Sunni's niece. Sweet tempered girl who has occasional
outbursts of hysteria.

The rolls of Hefty Burdens, the stripper and star of the film, and Karl
Grey, Sunni's brother in law who owns a gun store, have been cast