I have a rather diverse heritage. Both of my father's parents are Syrian. As far as I know, the trail ends there. On my mother's side of the family, however, my aunt has done extensive genealogical research to trace our roots. She was able to trace our history back to 16th century Europe.

Through my maternal grandmother, I am a direct descendant of one of the original Acadians, Philippe Mius D'Entremont. To learn more about the tragic story of the Acadians, click HERE. This site is maintained by the Canadian Government for their educational network.

The Acadians were French citizens who settled in the areas now known as Novia Scotia and New Brunswick. They had a very close, friendly relationship with the local Native Americans, the Micmacs. In fact, there were many marriages between the French and the Micmacs. My ancestors include 3 generations of Micmacs. To learn more about the Tribe, click HERE.

Through my maternal grandfather, I am a descendent of two of the Royal Houses of Scotland, the Stewarts and the Boyds. My mother is a member of the Caledonian Society. She attends the Scottish Games in Honolulu (where she lives) and staffs a table for them.